DBCX Metadata Tools
Version 3.3 Features (June 2005) |
Added functionality which evaluates which columns are missing from each of the files. This is particularly important when DBCX vendors update the metadata files and only one set of the files compared have the new columns. |
Added new column details based on enhancements to the VFE metadata during the release of VFE 8 Beta 4. |
Added new option to select the Visual FoxExpress SDT metadata for comparison. Previous versions automatically checked for both if you selected SDT and you would get a messagebox that one or the other was not found. They are mutually exclusive choices, but VFE developers have the option of using one or the other. So instead of trying to guess here, we allow the developer ultimate control. The message is still displayed when the files do not exist. To get rid of the message, disable the specific comparison. |
Added column number to "Difference in fields in common records" for all metadata comparison. |
Added WAIT WINDOWS showing the progress of the comparison and what metadata is being compared. |
Changed the directory textboxes to select the text on entry. |
Made the form a little taller to fit in the new VFE SDT checkbox and allow more of the ReadMe text to show. |
Added error trapping and logging to a text file (MetadataCompareErrors.txt). This information might be handy for the support staff at White Light Computing to figure out the why, when things go wrong. |
BUG FIX: If you compare metadata without the nStepValue and nNextValue and a set with this information, the program crashed. This usually occurs when you updated metadata based on VFP 8 and above. This not longer happens. |
BUG FIX: If you select VFE and do not check Stonefield Database Toolkit, the comparison prompted a messagebox noting the SDT VFE files were not found even though SDT is not selected. This has been corrected by adding the new VFE SDT checkbox. |
BUG FIX: If the metadata in the original set had more fields than the metadata in the current set, a syntax error was thrown. This was fixed. |
Version 3.2 Features (June 2005) |
Added functionality to account for deleted records in the metadata. Record counts in the output is the total number of records from RECCOUNT() which includes deleted records. The results now include a count of the deleted records in the metadata table in the base result for the table. |
Deleted records are shown in the output, but previous versions did not indicate if the data was deleted or live. A check mark at the beginning of the result indicates a live record, and an "X" tells you the record is deleted in the metadata. |
If you run the comparison and output to the VFP report or report preview in VFP 9, the new Report Designer functionality is used instead of the legacy Report Designer. |
Version 3.1 Features |
Made modification to bring DBCX Metadata Compare Utility into the White Light Computing family of tools. |
Version 3.0 Features |
Runs standalone or in the VFP development environment |
Interface to comparison objects for each of the metadata file available (Base DBCX2, Stonefield Database Toolkit, and F1 Technologies Visual FoxExpress). Interface drives the comparison, then provides support for the various output options. |
Selection of two directories where the DBCX files reside to select versions for comparison. |
External VFP report selection mechanism for open customization of paper output. |
Alternative outputs include paper reports, preview to screen, report to file (ASCII option), Windows' ClipBoard to paste to word processor or HTML editor of choice. Other options include a standard VFP table, XML (VFP 7 only), Microsoft Excel, and PDF (if driver is loaded). |
External report so developers can change output to their liking. |
Browse screen to review comparison output in rawest form. |
All settings are written to the Windows Registry and reinstated the next time the tool is run. |
Individual business objects for each of the metadata file available (source code option). |
International language support via Include constants via .H file (source code option). |
SelfTest() methods for each of the metadata business objects for standalone testing (source code option). |
No index, resides in default directory
Aliased as CompResults in the comparison tool
Structure for table: tabCompareResults.dbf
Memo file block size: 64
Field | Name | Type | Width | Dec |
1 | iReference | Integer | 4 | |
2 | cTable | Character | 40 | |
3 | nRptOrder | Numeric | 5 | 2 |
4 | cCompare | Character | 250 | |
5 | mResults | Memo | 4 | |
6 | lDeleted | Logical | 1 | |
7 | tCompleted | DateTime | 6 | |
Total | 313 |